Sailor's tales

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  • Mysterious murder

    Tuesday, 23rd February 2021

    It was after midnight when I came home. I closed the door and walked further in to the hall to hang my coat on the wall. Then I turned around to go in the living room but suddenly I felt something cold over my body so I turned back and locked the door.

    I opened the door in bedroom but no one was inside. The room was empty. And even though it was warm in there, it felt cold. Like something bad happened here. I've got this idea in my head that maybe– no, that... No! I quietly closed the door and went to living room on the other side of house.

    "Julie!" I almost shouted with happiness in my voice.

    She was sitting on the couch, legs laid on the table and watching TV with a bowl of popcorn. When she noticed me, she looked at me with that everyday face but when she saw mine, her smile disappeared.

    "What happened?" She asked immediately. She got up, hugged me and then sit back down with me right next to her. She turned off the TV and paid all her attention to me.

    "I'm scared my love. I'm scared to death." I said after a while. Julie was just sitting still, so I continued. "I got busy in work today. I had to sign a lot of papers, you know, because of that event I told you about. Well, and then, when I went home..." I froze. It was really difficult to talk about it. But I couldn't stop thinking about it...



    I was coming home from work through a park because I missed last bus and this was the shortest way home. You know, I was never actually thinking that this park could be any dangerous in any part of the day. And it's not. People who lives here are mostly developers or visionaries. There is rivalry of course, but no one here could be capable of murder. Well at least I thought that so far.

    The river floats through the park. It flows through all the city actually, and it splits in two in the north. I got to a waterfront. It's concrete reinforced riverside with benches and a fence. A man was sitting there. The lamp somewhere between us was blinding me so I could only see a silhouette until I got closer.

    "Good evening, sir." he said. "Look at the water surface." He stood up and went to the fence. Straightened his back, risen his chin and kept talking. "It's so restless. You know, whole nature, animals or even people are already sleeping. Just this river... It's so restless."

    I stopped for a while and looked in the distance where the surface meets the horizon.

    "Indeed." I said.

    "You know, " he turned at me, "I did something terrible. And there's no way back. I was thinking about it, since the beginning. It has to end it this way. It can't be different."

    I got scared a little. This man, something happened and now he was telling me about it but, why? I never met him. I don't know him. Neither does he. "What happened?" I asked him without any interest.

    "Forgive me. Please. I knew the consequences all the time, but still, I did it. Now I regret. It can't be undone. And now it has to end." He was talking and fear slowly appeared in his face.

    Just another moment we were just standing there and I was trying to find out what he actually did but he was just annoyingly apologizing. He was trying to hide his fear behind his pride so hard. He couldn't accept that he was afraid. There was regret, compassion, pity, he blamed everything including himself, but no fear at all.

    "I'm glad you're here. Now I'm not alone. Even though I don't know you, thanks, for being here. I hope, one day, if you're gonna stay here like I am, someone will be here for you too." He said eventually and then he was just standing there and looking ahead.

    After a short moment I heard footsteps. Someone third was there. I looked around but I couldn't see anything. I've barely seen the bench. But there was someone third, definitely.

    Even the man next to me felt it. "Good evening." He said.

    From the deep darkness of the park I could've heard these footsteps, they were slow but more clear with every other step as they were getting closer. "Good evening." Said a voice from the dark. "Is he with you?"

    "Yes." The man next to me replied. "We are looking at water together. It's so restless and wild."

    "I'm sorry that we actually meet."

    "So am I. But, it's necessary."

    "Don't take it personal, please."

    "We're just doing our jobs. And we do it better than we should."

    Unknown voice now got a body. Tall man came up to the light. He stopped few steps behind us. He putted black leather gloves on and pulled out a gun with silencer.

    Sir next to me was still watching to the water. The straightened, gave me a short look and then he just looked ahead as he did before. He breathed in and closed his eyes.

    It was deep dark night. A weak metallic clink disrupted the silence and then I heard as something fell into the river. After that I could only hear the silence again. Not even birds sleeping in the river stream on the other side didn't wake up.

    I bent over the fence. The surface was raging, I wouldn't even notice something fell there a few seconds ago.

    "Vita est aeterna, Deus mihi ignoscet." Said the shooter after he hid the gun. He crossed himself with his right arm. "I hope we won't meet again under similar circumstances. Good evening."

    For another moment or two I stayed there, looking into the river. I didn't realize that I was standing there all alone for a few minutes. The sky was clear, without any clouds. Stars were shining and mirroring from the water and the moon was shone as a torch.

    I went home. I was tired and.... Scared to death.



    We were silently sitting on the couch motionless. It was still dark and silent behind the windows. Only clock hit twice to announce a new hour arrival. She looked at me, I looked at her. I think, we can't solve it now anyway. I hugged her strongly and then we went sleep to bedroom.

    "Good evening." I said quietly and turned off the light.